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Writer's pictureKirsty Bryan

An Introduction

Updated: Jun 2, 2018

Hello - I'm Kirsty.

 I'm not quite sure how to begin or introduce myself, so please excuse any rough-wordiness. I'm 17 and currently sitting my a-levels at a southeastern school, just outside of London. I study three subjects: Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Media Studies. I absolutely adore my subjects; don't get me wrong, the homework, the coursework and the deadlines are awful, but I know there are no other courses that could stimulate my excitement for learning quite like my three. 

 I'm beginning this blog for a number of reasons. Not only do I want to document my passion for my lessons, but I also want to have some kind of archive following my journey. 

 At the beginning of my Sixth Form life, around just 8 months ago, my mental health led me to A&E. It's been a huge struggle simply sitting through this school year, let alone actually sitting all 7 of my AS exams (two of which I'm yet to sit). 

 I've been lucky enough to have a caring, hard-working team of teachers behind me, who offered me the option of resitting this year, rather than go ahead with exams.

Due to determination and perhaps a little bit of lunacy, I went forth into exam season. I didn't want my mental health to hold me back any longer - that doesn't mean to say everyone is able to make that choice, mental health comes before grades, always. However, I felt that in my circumstance, it would be most beneficial to complete year 12.

 Nonetheless, my exams so far haven't gone as well as I would've liked. I set high standards for myself (which no doubt adds to my mental illness), and I feel that so far, I'm not within a grade of where I want to be in maths and further maths...

... which means this next year is going to be extra exciting!

This blog should cover a range of school stuff: university taster days, courses developing my understanding within my subjects, summer school (which I am so excited for), results day, UCAS applications, interviews and offers, among these, updates on my mental health and optimistically, even some advice.

 Hopefully we'll eventually see my university life recorded here too! 

At the moment, my main concern is that my grades won't be enough to get into the universities I've been looking at. Even if I resit some exams next year, offers will already be in place and I may have already been declined. Whether I take what I get, venture off on a gap year, or skip university all together - 

here I am.

Enjoy x

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